There are many kinds of computer, its depending size and capacity , there are 3 kinds of computer, and that are Mainframe Computer, Mini Computer, and Micro Computer or Personal Computer.
Kinds of Computer
There are many kinds of computer, its depending size and capacity , there are 3 kinds of computer, and that are Mainframe Computer, Mini Computer, and Micro Computer or Personal Computer.
- Mainframe Computers
- The large and powerful computers that are used by many users at6 the same time; It is typically installed in large organizations.
- It is located in central place and accessed by users via computer terminals or other computers placed at different locations and connected to the mainframe computers.
- Extremely powerful mainframe computers used in scientific and engineering applications.
- Minicomputers
- Used in small organizations.
- Minicomputers are medium sized computers.
- Are also used by many users at the same time.
- Microcomputers
- Also known as PC ( Personal Computers )
- Small computers that fit on your desk; meant to be used by one user
- Workstation: A microcomputer with enhanced graphics and communication capabilities.
- Loptop: A microcomputer that is small enough to fit in a briefcase.
- Network computer: A small microcomputer with no built-in disk storage, but makes use of larger computers of the compony's network or the internet through a browser
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